Human is an instinctive Homo sapient.

He's struggling for survival in his biologic and social environment through natural selection.
How they produce and distribute goods is part of natural selection within human evolution out of an ecological point of view.


We have learned that “man has been a tribal animal since he first waked erect, more than four million years ago. As he was then a bipedal, he could not out-climb or outrun predators”. Therefore, it was only through tribal mutual cooperation that he could prevent something dangerous or bag from damaging him, his offspring or his siblings.

For two million years, the early hominid was primarily a herd herbivore animal. During the next two million yeas, the human was a herd hunting warrior. Human was, and he still is, an instinctive animal as all of his social drivers developed long before he developed his intellectually. Thus, instincts as mother/father-love, compassion, cooperation, curiosity, inventiveness, competitiveness and mate seeking are innate in humans. These intrinsic human feelings and behaviors were all necessary for the survival of humans and pre-humans within the environment.

The intellect, what distinguishes humans from other animals, developed slowly during the entire four million years or more of human span as a control over instincts to provide adaptable behavior (id versus superego*). According to scholars, humans are designed by nature to modify any behavior that would normally be too much instinctive to become deviance or deviant behavior, i.e. an attitude or behavior that differs from accepted social standards. We call this process self-control or self-discipline, and it is the major difference between humans and animals. Self-discipline, therefore, is a social main feature of humans. The more disciplined behavior an individual has in his social environment, the more he becomes human. The less disciplined behavior an individual has, the more he becomes an animal-like person that is lacking in intellect and is driven by his instincts (developed and uncontrolled id) in this social context.

In fact, social environment, actually affected by economic system, has been shaping humans into behavior and social interaction. Millions of years ago, the natural environment was shaping us into the species we are nowadays. Due to our intellect and culture, today, we modify or better our own environment, and that has its consequences. According to John Hawks, an anthropologist and geneticist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, “we've created a lifestyle that is as odds with the one natural selection provide us with”.

The process of natural selection can act on human culture as well as on genes. Scientifics at Stanford University have shown for the first time that cultural traits affecting survival and reproduction evolve at a different rate than other cultural attributes. This cultural selection affecting human culture is highly illustrated in modern urbanization and transportation. The discovery of natural electricity and the invention of the lightning rod to attract electricity from lightning that permit the development of electric current and electric lighting, the invention of the incandescent light bulb, the radio and the telephone, along with invention of the elevator are example of cultural natural selection.

It's refreshing to say that Darwin's natural selection is the process by which nature rewards those individuals better adapted to their environments, either natural or cultural (social), with survival and reproductive success. It means that only the organism best adapted to their environment tend to survive and transmit their genetic characteristics in increasing numbers to succeeding generations while those less adapted tend to be eliminated. Unfortunately, drastic social processes such as too long revolutionary events affect negatively human evolution and human natural and cultural selection.

*Read the article: “Freudian approach on sexuality affecting human development”


Cuban Revolutionary process, an anti-ecological event

One day, Cuban people woke up knowing that the economic system under with they have been growing up, were they told, was not the one they needed for their economic and social growth, no matter the comfort beyond the standard they had enjoyed out of this system known as capitalism, an ecological stage of production, distribution and consumption of goods, part of human natural selection within human evolution. Unfortunately, under human natural selection, certain people happen to suffer as they are not skilled to improve economically enough to match the social standards as skilled people do.

In the mind of most Cuban people, a great part of who fought against governmental rulings of Cuba for decades before 1959, the Revolution would be the way to establish a social balance and a better redistribution of the Nation's revenue, mostly to help the less skilled Cuban people for self-actualization, i.e. for them to achieve economic and social full potential.

The governmental rulings imposed by the Revolution of 1959 went beyond the people expectations as these rulings swept away drastically all cultural and religious traditions rooted in Cuban society for generations to impose an unknown conventional culture, way of thinking and behavior disrupting indeed the traditional and natural habitat of Cubans.

To better understand this article, we must remember that the most important aspect of a society is the way people produce, distribute and redistribute to guarantee social consumption and growth. Out of this economic approach and growth, other important aspects stand within the society such as urbanization, education, public health, cultural events, social behaviors, social norms and control, deviance and civics.

So, when we refer to an economic model, we are dealing not only to the economic aspect, but also to the shaped social one. For more than 50 years, Cuban people have been living, behaving and growing under a socialistic conventional way of production, distribution, redistribution and consumption. And these imposed conventional rulings have been portraying globally their economic and social growth as socialistic achievements.

The Cuban government has imposed this very strict ruling regime while isolating Cubans from the abroad world to prevent it from disrupting the Revolution's achievements in benefic for the Cuban people. Suddenly, unbelievably, haft a century after the triumph of the Revolution, the main leader of the revolutionary regime has said that the Cuban economic model is no longer suitable for Cuba itself!

I wonder how many people has died defending this regime, or facing it! How many has been living abroad without being permitted to return to Cuba for all this time! I wonder how many people has lost everything because of the Revolution!

After having waited for many years, living under constant appeals for sacrifice and austerity, most of Cubans are currently aware that the socialist economic model that the Revolution has imposed in Cuba since 1959 has never suited for them and the Nation, mainly by the way they had been socially behaving and rising steadily for generations and generations before 1959, enjoying excellent economic growth.

To conclude, we must say that the answer is not political or philosophical to avoid arguments and confrontations. Thus, democracy, private property and free market should be retrieved in Cuba as there is no solution under the current imposed regime: Before 1959, Cuba was one of the three better countries in any field in America, only with 6 millions inhabitants. Moreover, the help the Cuban revolutionary government received from the former Soviet Union was huge! If nowadays Cuba is only better than Haiti, with 11 millions inhabitants, having unhidden currency crises, its industry obsolete, with a very poor agricultural system, its urbanization lacking to meet the people housing needs, how its current socialistic government would solve this national problem?

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