666, 616, 444. Apocalypse or Mysticism


666, 616, 444. Apocalypse or Mysticism. Or, it's merely rather a coincidence!


The one who has wisdom to discern, let it s/he does!


According to the interpretation of Corinthians 6:19-20, Matthew 6:22 and Luke 11:33-36, the installation of a microchip in an eye, ("The Lamp of the Temple of God"), seems a profanity. And according to the interpretation of Revelation 13:16-17, this device in an eye does violate infamously my Christian faith and upset my spirit, mainly when the date of the installation of this poisonous item like a thorn coincides implicitly avec the biblical number of 666!

Nevertheless, I was the wrong person to be microchipped, and the date of February 22, 2012, was the wrong day!

The microchipping occurred on February 22, 2012, or 22 of February, 2012; and this date coincided not only with the Apocalyptic number of 666! But also with something else: 444, the Number of Angel!


Let see below:



(22)(2) (1+2)

(22)(2)  (3)

(22x3) (2x3)

(66    (6)

6 6 6


Yet, the date of the microchipping was 22/2/12


(22) (2) (1×2)

(22) (2)   (2)

(22×2) (2×2)

(44)     (4)


  * 444 is the Angel Number!


My name is Angel as you know. What another coincidence because I was the wrong person to be microchipped.

Thus, according to scholars, the real name or number of the Beast is 616!

Oh, God!

I was born the Second of August of One Thousand Nine Hundred Forty Four! That's to say 02/08/1944 > 2/8/44.

In Cuba and in Costa Rica, we celebrate the Feast of "Our Lady Queen of Angels, and that's why I was baptized with the nam of Angel!

What a coincidence!

My date of birth coincides with the biblical number 616, as well!


   The Second of August!




6     16





The Second of August of One Thousand Nine Hundreds Forty Four > 08/02/1944 > 8/2/44




6     16



These mathematic solutions stands if you can have the number 666 or 616 combining certain numbers you are given.


It's all about coincidence!


I was born the Second of August 1944, in Havana, Cuba. In Cuban and in Costa Rica, the Second August is the day of Our Lady Queen of Angels. Thus, I was baptized with the name of Angel as I was born August the Second.







444 is the Angel number!


Too much coincidences converging!


Thus, the one who has wisdom to discern, Iet it s/he does!


Angel R. Almagro


*  444

Biblical Meaning of 444

"The number four in the Bible represents times and seasons. In the book of Genesis, God created heavenly bodies on the 4th day; that is, the sun, moon, and the stars. The sun and moon enable us to determine time and seasons. With the position of heavenly bodies, we can discern night from day and the four different season experienced in the world. The four directions also find their basis from the Bible, that is, North, East, West, and South".

Moreover, according to the Bible, the number 444 is also associated with the ministry of Christ, which lasted 44 months and 4 days until the moment he was crucified.

"The pattern of the number 444 is manifested as there are 44 months and 4 days between Jesus' baptism and the day God the Father gave his final confirmation that Christ was the One chosen to die on Passover to make our salvation possible!"


Thanks for reading!


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