Sunday, March 31, 2013


Today, Sunday of Glory

Is a new awakening


As Jesus has come from agony

To save our soul from sin


His crucifixion became our Gospel

To guide our path to pureness

Alas, there is sin which does spell

Our soul towards darkness


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A traditional society. First Part



Nowadays we live within a mechanic or organic society.

Talking about organic societies is enough for you to understand what a mechanic society is.

After you have worked during a 48-hour week, you are paid. Many workers allow employers to deposit their wages directly to the bank. Afterward, you may buy something online, or you can pay your bills either online or allow the bank where you have your money deposited to pay your bills. It may happen that you do not see any of your money in cash. That’s a feature of an organic society.

That’s why when we are facing financial crises, employment increases. That’s also the reason why certain people might be able to defraud the Finance System, the Medicare, the Social Security & the Internal Revenue System when they are able to penetrate them using electronic comunication or artificial intelligence.

This crime may happen likely within an organic society where theft identity is also a common activity, while it is improbable to happen in a mechanic society like Cuba, Venezuela, China, India, and others. When a financial fraud occurs in such countries, members of the government or related people are involved. Besides, financial frauds and crises may not disrupt the mechanic society, at least so faster than it may occur in an organic society. Cuba is an example of a mechanic society which stands disruptively despite the fact that it has been living under financial and productive crises affecting the whole population for years.



Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Amor inmenso

Es tan grande la inmensidad

De este amor por vos

Que es como con la profundidad

De los mares y océanos

Donde soy capaz de ir

Si lo quieres mejor

Sin miedo a morir

Para encontrarte una flor

Multilanguage Approche

Cuban Culture in Artist Design