Monday, June 10, 2013

Rien sans Toi

Viens avec moi

Parce que mon cœur

Souffre sans toi!

Et ne fais qu’il meurt

Sans cette joie

Que par bonheur

Il trouve en toi


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Mujer simple mujer


Mujer simple mujer


Como dijo el pequeño gran poeta

Yo también siempre te adoro

Porque sin ser yo ni siquiera profeta

Presagio que tú siempre serás mi tesoro


Eres lo más bello que he conocido

A pesar de tantas bellas flores

Con tanto colorido

Y agradables olores


El color y aroma de tu piel

 A canela y albahaca extrañas

Que te acompaña el sabor a miel

De tus puras entrañas

De mujer simple mujer

Hechizan tanto mi fuero

Que por tanto amor y placer

Por ti vivo y muero


Fue sabio el Creador

A semejanza de una diosa

Te creó con tanto candor

Tan bella y preciosa (©)



Sunday, March 31, 2013


Today, Sunday of Glory

Is a new awakening


As Jesus has come from agony

To save our soul from sin


His crucifixion became our Gospel

To guide our path to pureness

Alas, there is sin which does spell

Our soul towards darkness


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A traditional society. First Part



Nowadays we live within a mechanic or organic society.

Talking about organic societies is enough for you to understand what a mechanic society is.

After you have worked during a 48-hour week, you are paid. Many workers allow employers to deposit their wages directly to the bank. Afterward, you may buy something online, or you can pay your bills either online or allow the bank where you have your money deposited to pay your bills. It may happen that you do not see any of your money in cash. That’s a feature of an organic society.

That’s why when we are facing financial crises, employment increases. That’s also the reason why certain people might be able to defraud the Finance System, the Medicare, the Social Security & the Internal Revenue System when they are able to penetrate them using electronic comunication or artificial intelligence.

This crime may happen likely within an organic society where theft identity is also a common activity, while it is improbable to happen in a mechanic society like Cuba, Venezuela, China, India, and others. When a financial fraud occurs in such countries, members of the government or related people are involved. Besides, financial frauds and crises may not disrupt the mechanic society, at least so faster than it may occur in an organic society. Cuba is an example of a mechanic society which stands disruptively despite the fact that it has been living under financial and productive crises affecting the whole population for years.



Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Amor inmenso

Es tan grande la inmensidad

De este amor por vos

Que es como con la profundidad

De los mares y océanos

Donde soy capaz de ir

Si lo quieres mejor

Sin miedo a morir

Para encontrarte una flor

Sunday, February 24, 2013

As it is said that a Pope is Saint Peter’s successor, only God shall have the power to determine his fate. Besides, the weaker and age-older a Pope is, the more blessed and loved he is!

So, morally, a Pope should not have the right to resign.

Is it enough! If the Inquisition had deteriorated the Church culturally, sex scandals on children, along with internal double-dealings, have done so morally, breaking down its dogmas and perspectives. Thus, as everything has inside the germs of its own destruction, we are assisting to a new era for the Catholic Church with the election of  a Jesuit as a Pope, a Pope who prone to be by the poors, for whom Jesus created His church.

So, we must conclude saying that the humanity is being changing through its main current powerful structures: the Catholic religion & the Laissez-faire capitalism.

Note: Laissez-faire capitalism is when you invest your capital regardless of the inflation or overproduction leading to commercial surplus you may create.

It has been the US Laissez-faire capitalism that has made China its creditor! It has been this Laissez-faire that has encouraged wealthy Americans to export and invest their capital in foreign countries impoverishing their own land, and creating joblessness!

What happened in Ancient Rome it’s happening in America!

Note: a sociological approach states that every phenomenon, process or matter conveys in itself the root of its own destruction. However, it states as well that knowing the conditions, causes and environment that stimulate this change or destruction, it may be prevented or retarded.
Angel R. Almagro

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Au delà d'une Aventure

This is a synopsis of a work out of ethnographic (anthropologic) research that I’ve been carrying out for years.

In 1919 some French Nationals came to Cuba to create the Cuban Aviation Company using six planes of French Farman Company, two F-60 planes, called the “Goliath”, and four F-40 planes. These latter F-40 planes had participated in the WWI. The French nationals mentioned above were members of an aerial brigade that combated Germans planes and were engaged in bombing raids with these F-40 warplanes. During that war, three of these French military pilots, Lucien Coupet, Léon Coupet, and Camille Jousse, were engaged in the Battle of Verdun. It was the greatest and lengthiest but bloodiest battle that had ever taken place in earth. It lasted from the 21th of February 1916 through the 19th of December 1916.
         Leon Coupet and Camille Jousse were wounded twice during the war. Later, Leon was also wounded when he combated as artilleryman from an F-40 warplane. His brother Lucien was the pilot of it. During the combat, the plane was reached by the German artillery and brought down while it was returning from a bombing raid in the German city of Treves. Both brothers were taken as war prisoners, while Leon was, however, in state of coma as a result of their plane crashing in German soil.
When WWI ended due to the Armistice, these French people were part of a crew who were considered dead as they had lost contact with Paris while they were performing the first long distance flight in history from Paris to Dakar with the Farman giant plane “Goliath”. The Goliath plane had crashed in a shore of a beach where they spent two weeks without food and water under the sun of Sahara desert. Actually, Leon, who was a plane technician, made an alembic from the wreckage of the crashed plane to make drinkable the salty seawater. During that time, lost in the desert, they ate what they could preserve from the Goliath along with the crabs they captured.
        The Goliath’s crew decided to reach Mauritania by foot. The footway by the desert was hard because one of these exhausted former soldiers had thrown away the above-knee prosthesis of his right leg. His leg had been amputated because of war wounds.
The French comrades were found by a Moor and his black slave who took them to Mauritania, the nearest population. From there,
they went to Dakar in Senegal by train. They returned to Paris by ship where they were received as heroes.
        Sometime later, the six Goliath Planes of Farman Company were being used as a commercial airline from Paris to London until a Cuban millionaire bought them to create an international commercial airline in Cuba. Then, the Coupet brothers and Camille Jousse, along with other former war combatants were sent to Cuba with two Goliath F-60 and four F-40 planes to create the mentioned commercial aviation.
In Cuba, the French Nationals remained a little more than a year, and the most important location where they stayed was the aerodrome of Colombia in Havana, which became a real aeronautic fair due to the presence of the French planes. For these French people, after the battles of WWI and the testing flight of the “Goliath” to Dakar, their stay in Cuba was like an adventure which took place under relaxing and warming atmosphere with plenty of affection and happiness.
A Cuban woman, who was the person in charge to cook for these French pilots, was the most important woman in that aerodrome of Columbia. Her name was Genevieve. She was married to the owner of a little restaurant located within the aerodrome where the French pilots and other technicians used to eat. The owner of that little restaurant was a black Cuban, and Genevieve was a beautiful woman of mixed race; they had two sons. They were blacks.

      While the small planes F-40 were used for short aerial flights in Havana and in other close cities, the Goliath was being prepared to fly from Havana to Santiago with passengers and correspondence. During the first flight to Santiago without passengers due to the bad weather, the Goliath had an emergency landing between two sugar cane plantations. When the weather was better, they managed to take off.
Leon and Genevieve fell in love since the first they saw one each other. As a result of that loving intimate relation, a girl was born. She was not black. Unfortunately, she was born on September 4th of 1921 after the French nationals had left from Cuba. She never met her father. Maybe, Leon never knew that he was the father of Rosa, Genevieve's daughter, one of my sons’ grand-mother.

The most beautiful part of that event was the romantic relation between Leon and Genevieve. They had never loved so intesively in their lives in a so short time, they believed it was an eternity, as they loved so much each other.
Was Leon so ashamed toward Gustavo, then Genevieve's husband, that he never came back?
When you read the novel or see the film, you would know!
Angel R. Almagro 




Multilanguage Approche

Mi Vida Contra Viento y Marea sin Amo y sin Cadenas

  Mi Vida  Contra Viento y Marea sin Amo y sin Cadenas