Saturday, December 18, 2021

Le Printemps revient toujours

Et vient le printemps

Pour tous comblé d'espoir

Quand nous voyons volant

Les Papillons mignards


En embrassant leurs fleurs

Soit un Lis ou Muguet

Fera que le bonheur

La vie remplisse de paix


Et on voit les beaux ailés

Qui dansent tous ravis

En attendant l'été

Avant les temps si gris


Les temps couverts d'ennui

Déjà une Chrysalide

Dans son cocon d'étui

Le vers devient solide


Et vient le temps encore

De bien jolis jardins

lesquels depuis l'aurore

S'avèrent à l'heure parfum


Et donc les chrysalides

S'en vont de leur cocon

Avec des ailes solides

Les bras des papillons

Saturday, April 3, 2021





It's good to live in the United States, but not without decorousness!

The greatest irony in the United States is that a microchip be implanted into an eye of an anti-communist refugee, tracked, monitored and persecuted. Moreover, when this person is an American citizen who is professor, a designer and a poet/writer.

When someone is frequently under electronic, cyber or under any other sort of surveillance, it's because he's considered an enemy or a subject who poses a risk to the community.

I came to this country as refugee 20 years ago, and I haven't visited my country yet because the reasons I left Cuba as refugee still exist, and worse. So, if I am considered a person non grata or an enemy combatant, I am rather willing to be sent to Guantanamo Prison. Thus, you wouldn't be concerned about me anymore.

When I came to this country as refugee on January 11, 2001, under The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), I had already worked as a professor
for about 30 years, the last 15 as a language professor at the Agricultural University of Havana. Within this university, I taught English and French to students of the School of Veterinary and the School of Agricultural Engineering. I also taught French to graduates who worked as professors or as researchers at the university.

Before being a university professor, I was a French teacher at Havana Language Schools. But before being a French teacher and a university language professor, I was 5 years in the Cuban army until 1965.
Before the Cuban Revolution, when I was 14 years old, I was a clandestine within a revolutionary cell.

Beside my military function, I was a basic instruction teacher as most of my contemporary fellow soldiers were almost illiterates. By 1964, after having received some teaching instructions, I became officially the instruction teacher of my fellow soldiers, and that was my last function in the army. During my five year in service in the Cuban army, I was twice in a military prison where I also taught basic education instructions to fellow soldier inmates.

How much I contributed to the education and professional instruction of hundreds of fellow Cubans during my lifetime in Cuba.

I have two bachelor's degree as I had graduated from the School of Philology of Havana University, and from the School of Foreign Languages of the Higher Pedagogical Institute of Havana. I also had attended other studies such as Russian, Italian, English, and basic didactic instruction within the army, and so on.

Professionally, I reached my dream in Cuba because I worked as university professor, but by political and literary reasons, and to allow my sons to reach their American dream, I fled the country focused on keeping teaching French through my own method in my own facility. Just after my arrival to the refugee shelter in Fulton, MA, in an interview for a local newspaper with supposed journalist Abigail Zequenza, among other things, I told her that my intension was to create my own French Language Academy. I had already told the same thing of my teaching and cultural project to an American "diplomat" in Cuba before fleeing the Country.

The entire newspaper edition, where appeared the interview of Abigail on me, was removed after the 9/11/2001 terrorist attack in the US soil.

At to that time when I came to the United States, no university professor with two bachelor's degree had had the authorization to leave the country, but I had become a leader of the opposition. That's why the Cuban government had no choice, and reluctantly allowed me to flee the country with my sons in 2001. We had been settled in Massachusetts sponsored by the Catholic Charities' Agency.

Do you think the Cuban regime would remain indifferent that I could succeed in accomplishing my cultural and teaching project in the United States after having studied two university careers and worked in a university for fifteen years? Absolutely not!

In Boston, I worked in a hotel for seven years until 2007, and I taught French language at Cambridge Center for Adult Education in 2003 and 2004. Meanwhile, I attended studies of psychology, sociology, anthropology, journalism, music and English writing at Bunker Hill Community College of Boston.

I lived in Lynn, MA, where I finished my books of poetry in French language "The Kid and the Beast, Woman, and a text book to learn French Language. All are deposited at Washington Copyright Office.

In 2007, a year after I became US citizen, I moved to Miami, mainly to begin a Master's degree in French language. Beside my two Bachelor’s degree, I had 52 academic college credits with an outstanding GPA of 3.8.

When I enrolled in Florida International University to attend graduate studies, everything was easy, and I was told to submit the transcript from Bunker Hill Community College. But suddenly, things became hard as I was told to submit the transcripts of Cuban universities, what was hard for a person having come to this country as a refugee after having been one of the leaders of the opposition at that time.
And despite being US citizen and having submitted my transcript from Bunker Hill Community College, I was compelled to do two admission tests, the GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) and the TOEFL (Test as a Foreign Language), what surprised me because I did not expect to pass this test (GRE). Regarding the TOEFL, I couldn’t complete the test because on April 2012, I was under the torture caused by the microchip into the eye, which didn’t permit me to concentrate. The perforation on the left eye, through which the microchip was injected, remained still opened.

It's funny how the government goes out of his way to help illegal immigrants reach their dreams finishing their university careers while I was denied help to continue my career in Visual Art at Miami International University after I had been granted a scholarship. I had to withdraw from the university owing a debt of almost $ 6.000. I did not ask  for money to South Florida Work Force but for a job to pay the career tuition..
Both, my enrollment in Florida International University and in Miami International University were part of my cultural and educational project I had begun, when I was still a university language professor at the Agricultural University of Havana. Also, the enrollment in these two universities were important for my profession and the plot of two of my books as cinematography is taught at the Institute of Arts and Designs of Miami International University. Moreover, as you can learn ceramics at that institute of artists, painters, designers, photographers and film makers, I had embraced the idea of working in ceramics with my more than 2 thousands colored designs. That’s funny!
The Master's Degree in French at FIU would be significantly important with my possible job in high school as I had obtained the Letter  of the Official Statement of Status of Eligibility as I was eligible for a Florida Educator's Certificate to teach French and English in high school. People in the shadow have made me a loser. My enrollment in graduate studies in French language in FIU, and the Status of  Eligibility to apply for a post of French teacher were really important to me because I had created a book to develop French Language through poetry and music (©). That's why I had attended music classes at Bunker Hill Community College in Boston.
My Career at Miami International University, Institute of Art and Design was not a chimeras as I was officially registered to attend the first year, paying the tuition fees with the money I received as unemployment compensation because I was jobless.

I did not come illegally to this country. To enter here, I submitted my criminal records with no felonies. I submitted also my medical information and employment records from the Agricultural University of Havana. Previously, I had presented my cultural and educational project and my desire to American diplomats in Havana to implement it in the United States.
If the US government considered me as a person not grata, why it allowed me to settle here?
If the US government did not permit me to begin a master's degree in French Language in FIU; and did not help me continue my career in Art and design at MIU, why it was permitted  I entered to this country under the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and sponsored by Catholic Charities' Agency?

It's a crime for a legal refugee to apply for a post as language professor (French and English) in High School after having received the Letter indicating my Status of Eligibility? It's a crime for a legal refugee to try to enroll in university careers? It's a crime for a legal refugee to have his books published?

In 2011, my first book of poetry in French language was published and one copy of it was sent to the Library of Alexandria, in Egypt. Thus, officially, I became a naturalized American poet/writer.
Absurdly, however, by that time, I lost my two jobs in Downtown Miami, and a microchip was implanted unlawfully in my left eye, an electronic device which has nothing to do with any human health conditions, as it's a device for tracking and spying no matter I am US citizen with no criminal records.
Since 2012, the microchip has been lying into my left eye, poisoning it, and my face which is darkening.

How come a country with a significant amount of Nobel Prize Awards in Medicine and in other sciences allows that an electronic device intended for communication through electronic waves be implanted into an aqueous environment so important and sensitive as the human eye is!
I've just had a mini stroke on January 11, and was hospitalized a couple of days. And there is consequences for having the microchip inside the eye. Just keep in mind that the eye is a prolongation of the brain through its optic nerve. The eye is the only part of the brain that can be seen directly. My left eye is  disturbed and part of my face is darkening due to the microchip's toxicity.

Since 2011, I've been explaining about the atrocity of putting a non medical electronic device in my left eye. Many people have been hearing about this issue through my blogs in Facebook, Twitter, Google. I'm aware people know I am a tracked man under surveillance. And then, somebody, aware I am defenseless, is taking the royalties of the selling of my books in several online bookstores. At least, my books can be bought online, but sadly, oppression and discrimination have been prevented me from receiving the royalties of my books, which are my property.
And also my French text book has disappeared, been stolen from my blog "Le Français par la Poésie et la Musique". The same title I deposited this book at US Copyright Office of the Library of Congress, which is a French Text Book I created for French learning.
The link of this blog, "La Lyre Enchantée" (, along with other links ("Papillonjoli" and "Angelangelo") remain inside the blog "La Fleur Rouge du Papillon". However, the content of "La Lyre Enchantée", the title of which is "Le Français par la Poésie et la Musique", was stolen or sold!
My profile pictures show I am a colored person. Within Google, Chrome and Blogger people are accountable of my French Text Book's disappearance or selling.  When you click on the link, appears the text book composed by 8 lessons doesn't show up. This is a copyrighted property.
In addition, through Google, people can buy any of my more than 2000 colored designs of my Blogs  "Le Français par la Poésie et la Musique", et "Le Français par les Gravures” (designs). Both blog's content is disappeared. Nevertheless, my colored designs remain in Google's photos from which anybody can buy any of my designs, but the money goes to someone else! Usurpation!
When you are defenseless, other people enjoy from your belongings or property.

I said I had begun the creation of the French text. book at the Agricultural University of Havana for my French didactics and methodology. Hence, my interest in a Master's degree in FIU to work on my teaching profession.
The fact is that it's not common that a colored person be able to create such a magnificent French Teaching  Method, and to write a great literary creation in French language. For certain people, my skin is too dark, my face too ugly and my hair too curly to be considered a magnanimous professor, a good designer of more than 2000 colored designs and a genuine literary creator!
My property copyrighted is being stolen, including the royalties for the selling of my books, and everybody is happy.
Twice I went to the Agency of the Department of Justice charged for issues I considered high profile. I was told I have to deal with physicians. Since 2012, when the microchip was implanted into my eye, I have dealt with physicians regarding my visual health. However, physicians have nothing to do with electronic surveillance, citizen’s right violation, refugee programs, and the copyright infringement of a poetic and French teaching literary creation.
For 20 years, I've been living cornered, mainly after September 11, 2001 when I worked in Boston. Now I wonder why January 11, 2001 was selected for my fly to Boston from Miami, Cancun, Havana. By the way, I think, the plane had an emergency landing that night at Logan Airport.

It's enough to be tracked with impunity without reasons while my cultural and literary creation are being stolen. II am not a terrorist, a bank robber, a drug or weapon dealer, a sexual offender or a communist. I am a catholic who has been a professor and a writer for almost all my life. I didn't come to this country to commit crime, nor to improvise a cultural and teaching project. I came with all my writings from Cuba.

I am sure I was the first colored Cuban immigrant who has taught French language in Harvard Square, in the city of Cambridge, MA. I am sure I am the first colored Cuban Immigrant who has had his books published in the United States by a Canadian Publishing House.
When I had worked in Cuba as a professor for about 30 years, and when it was my time of labor retirement, being then quasi 60 years old, and after having contributed to the instruction and education of hundreds of Cuban fellows, I decided to come to this country enthusiastically with my cultural and teaching project done under the arm.

As I am an educated and respectful person, a Christian, I repeat I am rather willing to go to Guantanamo Prison, or to another third country, but keeping my Cuban and American citizenship, this latter obtained lawfully, after having settled in this country lawfully in 2001.

I am not a criminal, a felon, but a victim.

Thanks for reading

Expecting further actions from authorities, and looking forward to doing the rights solutions,

Angel R. Almagro

308 Fairview Ave. Fort Myers, FL 33905

239 308 5037

Monday, November 2, 2020

La structure de la Poésie des poèmes du Prince Ailé

 Ma poésie

Tout ce que je souhaite

C'est que ma poésie

Rencontre un monde honnête

D'amour, travail et vie!

Qu'elle trouve une porte ouverte

Dans un paisible endroit

Pour démontrer, sans perte,

Que sa valeur accroît.

C'est un message d'antan

Qu'on peut lire dans ses vers:

N'en suis-je qu'un élan

Pour mieux aimer la Terre?

Je tous supplie déjà

La France et le Québec

Avec amour et joie

De s'amuser avec!

Et encore je tous supplie

La Suisse et la Belgique

Sans oublier le Haïti

De lire cette œuvre unique!

Avec l'amusement

Trouvé dans sa structure

Il y a l'enseignement

De langue et de culture!

Je vous invite alors

Qu'on lise ma poésie

Portant une neuve aurore

Après une longue nuit!

Une longue nuit pour ceux

Qui ont besoin d'amour;

Mais un ailé joyeux

Pour les aider accourt!


Le papillon qu'on aime,

Qui vole fière partout

En persuadant qu'on sème

La paix, l'amour et tout!

Comme vous avez bien constaté, j'ai voulu exprimer mes souhaits de faire connaître ma création poétique en utilisant la structure prosodique utilisée dans l'œuvre fondamentale de la Nouvelle Poésie, « Le rêve du Papillon (Amen II)», que déjà on nomme “Le Rêve du Prince Ailé», comprenant deux volumes pour le moment. Il est déjà enregistré au Copyright Office de la Bibliothèque du Congrès, avec deux autres livres de poèmes, « AMEN », aussi intitulé 

«L’Enfant et la Bête » et « Femme (Amen II)».

Avant de vous expliquer plus en détails sur mon projet stylistique, didactique et philosophique (utopique, ou plutôt romantique) de la nouvelle poésie, je voudrais vous dire (écrire) des mots à propos du livre à deux volumes,  « Le Rêve du  Prince Ailé».

Au début des années 80, le poème « Le rêve du Prince Ailé » alors composé de 22 vers, faisait partie de la Magna œuvre « AMEN ». J'ai trouvé la structure du poème « Le rêve du Prince Ailé» si remarquable du point de vue stylistique, étant son rythme si cadencé, que j'ai décidé non seulement de donner de la musique à cette œuvre, mais aussi d'en écrire un livre. Maintenant, ce livre comprend deux volumes ayant plus de 24,500 mots et plus de 7,500 vers avec un paradigme unique: vers iambiques à six ssyllabes et rimes croisées ouvertes et fermées.

Pourquoi j'appelle cette œuvre La Nouvelle Poésie?

Plusieurs raisons m'ont encouragé à la baptiser La Nouvelle Poésie:

1.      Son paradigme prosodique. Strophe à quatre vers iambiques, avec six syllabes et  rimes croisées, ouvertes et fermées. 

2.      Sa valeur stylistique étant une poésie pleine de métaphores, similis, allitérations, hyperboles, anthropomorphismes, etc.

3.      Sa musique dont je suis aussi l'auteur.

4.      Son objective éducative (didactique). A partir de cette œuvre poétique, des livres de textes (3) ont été conçus visant l'amélioration et la systématisation du français par la poésie et la musique. Le premier livre avec 8 leçons a été déjà écrit et enregistré dans le Bureau du Droit d'Auteur à la Bibiothèque du Congrés.

Thursday, October 29, 2020


Quién tenga sabiduría que entienda! Siendo un niño de blazos, me contaba mi madre Aida, negra cobriza de descendencia paterna africana y de descendencia materna afro-francesa, que un hombre blanco "bolo" (que cojeaba ou que tenía una pierna de palo) se le acercó y le dijo: "Señora, cuídeme ese niño!! Mi madre se asustó por la forma en que se lo dijo, mostrando signo de propiedad. En ese momento fui bautizado. Mucho años después, ya adulto mayor, una amiga íntima de alma y espiritu, mas no de de sexo, al verme afuera de mi casa, me llama diciendo: "Moisés", y al instante se detiene y dice: " Eh, por qué te dije Moisés!", y se quedo pensativa. "Por qué, si yo no conosco a ningún Moisés!". De ahí mi afiliación al Judeocristianismo! De ahi mi bautizo bajo la Ley de Moisés, Shabbat Shalom, bajo la guía de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Y cumplo el Decálogo de Moisés como es debido sin dejarme tentar resando al Señor que no me deje caer en tentaciones, y que me libre de todo mal! Pero por desventura, el Maligno asecha a los cumplidores magnánimos del Decálogo (Los Diez Mandamientos) de Moisés y del Evangelio según Jesucristo, el Redentor! En Revelación 13:16-17, se habla de la Marca de la Bestia representado por el número bíblico 666. Quien tenga sabiduría que entienda! Me pusieron un microchip el 22 de Febrero del 2012:  

(22)(2) (1+2) 
 (22)(2) (3) 
 (22x3) (2x3) 
 (66 (6) 
 6 6 6 


    (2) (22) (1+2) 
  (2) (22)  (3) 
     (2x3)  (22x3) 
  (6)     (66) 
 6 6 6 

 Esta fecha, cuando se cometió profanacion por cuanto los ojos del cuerpo se traduce como "La Lámpara del Templo de Dios", según la interpretación de Corinthians 6:19-20, Mateo 6:22 y Lucas 11:33-36, esta fecha del 22 de Febrero también resulta en el número 444, conocido en numerología como el nùmero de Angel. Pues, veamos: 

(22) (2) (1×2) 
 (22) (2) (2) 
 (22×2) (2×2) 
 (44) (4) 

 El 444 es el Número de Angel (buscar en internet). Por otra parte, según eruditos, el verdadero nombre o número de la Bestia es 616! O, Dios! Quien tenga sabiduría que entienda! Yo nací el 2 de Agosto de 1944. En Cuba y en Costa Rica, este día (2 de Agosto), se celebra el Día de Nuestra Señora Reina de los Angeles, Nuestra Señora de los Angeles. Todos los que nacen en este dia se llaman Angel! Coincidencia! Mi fecha coincide con otro número Bíblico es el 616: El 2 de Agosto! 

   (2-8). (2×8) 
    6      16 

 Agosto 2 de 1944!

 6    16

 Y mi fecha de nacimiento, como la fecha de la implantación del mucrochip en el ojo, también resulta en el Número de Angel: 


444 is the Angel Number! Varios planteamientos matemáticos coincidentes con números no comunes, mas con números con una simbología bíblica y mística.  

Angel R. Almagro 

Thanks for reading! .

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Numerology or messeanic announcement

Numerology The one who has wisdom to discern, Let it s/he does! According to the interpretation of Corinthians 6:19-20, Matthew 6:22 and Luke 11:33-36, the installation of a microchip in an eye, ("The Lamp of theTemple of God"), seems a profanity. And according to the interpretation of Revelation 13:16-17, this device in an eye does violate infamously my Christian faith and upset my spirit, mainly when the date of the installation of this poisonous item like a thorn coincides implicitly avec the biblical number of 666! Nevertheless, I was the wrong person to be microchipped, and the date of February 22, 2012, was the wrong day! The microchipping was on February 22, 2012, or 22 of February, 2012, and this date not only coincided with the Apocalyptic number of 666! But also with something else: 444, the Number of Angel! Let see below: 

(22)(2) (1+2) 
 (22)(2) (3) 
(22x3) (2x3) 
 (66 (6) 
 6 6 6 

 Yet, the date of microchipping was 22 of February:

 (22)(2) (1×2) 
 (22) (2) (2) 
 (22×2) (2×2) 
 (44) (4) 
    444 * 

444 is the Angel Number! My name is Angel as you know. What another coincidence because I was the wrong person to be microchipped. Thus, according to scholars, the real name or number of the Beast is 616! Oh, God! I was born the Second of August of One Thousand Nine Hundred Forty Four! That's to say 02/08/1944 > 2/8/44. 

In Cuba and in Costa Rica, we celebrate the Feast of "Our Lady Queen of Angels, and that's why I was baptized with the nam of Angel! What a coincidence! My date of birth coincides with the biblical number 616, as well! 
The Second of August! 
  6     16 

Or The Second of August of One Thousand Nine Hundreds Forty Four: 08/02/1944 > 8/2/44 

 6      16 

These mathematic solutions stands if you can have the number 666 or 616 combining certain numbers you are given. It's all about coincidence! I was born the Second of August 1944, in Havana, Cuba. In Cuban and in Costa Rica, the Second August is the day of Our Lady Queen of Angels. Thus, I was baptized with the name of Angel as I was born August the Second. 

  4 / 44 

 444 is the Angel number! Too much coincidences converging! Thus, the one who has wisdom to discern, Iet it s/he does! 

Angel R. Almagro 

 * 444 Biblical Meaning of 444 "The number four in the Bible represents times and seasons. In the book of Genesis, God created heavenly bodies on the 4th day; that is, the sun, moon, and the stars. The sun and moon enable us to determine time and seasons. With the position of heavenly bodies, we can discern night from day and the four different season experienced in the world. The four directions also find their basis from the Bible, that is, North, East, West, and South". Moreover, according to the Bible, the number 444 is also associated with the ministry of Christ, which lasted 44 months and 4 days until the moment he was crucified. "The pattern of the number 444 is manifested as there are 44 months and 4 days between Jesus' baptism and the day God the Father gave his final confirmation that Christ was the One chosen to die on Passover to make our salvation possible!" 

 Thanks for reading!

Sunday, October 25, 2020

People think being member of The NRA means weapons’ lovers. I rather love poetry, but I am a NRA’s member because I consider this organization as a group of citizens that are the same heroic patriots who, once, in 1775 in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, started the armed movement that led to what we have today, The United States of America: those people were the Minutemen of the Revolution, the Militia. The most current members of the NRA are those Patriots in time of peace and social stability defending the Constitution and American citizen’s rights.

Multilanguage Approche

Mi Vida Contra Viento y Marea sin Amo y sin Cadenas

  Mi Vida  Contra Viento y Marea sin Amo y sin Cadenas