Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Cuban Mulatta

The great contribution of the Spanish in Cuban culture and civilization was the appearance of this sort of woman. This is a mid white and mid black woman. In Yoruba culture, she is the image of Occhun, the female Deity of fecundity and sexuality. She is the Deity that makes mad other male Deities, like Chango, the male Deity of thunders and war. Every Cuban woman has inside the soul and sensuality of a Mulatta.  So, when you visited Cuba, you wanted to remain in it!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Cristina / Christine

This is what we call a classic beauty. I took this picture some decades ago when she was 18 years old. She was then my French student in Guanabo Beach, in Havana. It's nice when we have had so many female friends. Because of this, one of the poetic books I've written in French language is called “Femme” (Woman). As I could not find a photo of Cecile, the woman I once loved so much and lived with the most, in her youth a very beautiful woman, the Queen of Beauty in her town of Guanabacoa at that time, the mother of my youngest son, (by the way, the mother of my oldest son was also a Queen of Beauty in her town of Cotorro), I decided to use Christine's picture as title page of my book “Femme”.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New 2011

All my Friends,

I pray the Supreme may all your dreams come true as you wish, and that in this new 2011 everything around you and your family be better than in 2010.

And thanks for your every day beauty, elegance, love, friendship and relationship, personality and work loving.


May this Two Thousand Eleven

For all my friends be

On Earth as being in Heaven

Guided by the Almighty

Where happiness and health

Would be common award

Like everybody's wealth,

A simple thing to afford


Multilanguage Approche

Cuban Culture in Artist Design