Sunday, September 25, 2011

Language and Culture

         Without a doubt, a language is the most changing aspect of a "central "culture out of the interaction of people of different ethnics or subcultures. The Latin, the official language of the Roman Empire  was a clear example of cultural changing despite the ethnocentric position of Patricians vis-à-vis to the culture of Plebeians and that of other ethnic residents living within the Roman Empire.

          Later, the Latin developed into two registers, the written Classical Latin and the spoken Vulgar Latin. Classical Latin did not evolved while Vulgar Latin, for being a spoken language, became the lingua franca in the western provinces, which was not a common mother language used as means of communication. 

       Diachronically, that Vulgar Latin being used as a lingua franca evolved into Romance languages such as Italian, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, Catalan and Occitan.

        It was through this way that the cultural interaction between those Roman Plebeians and people coming from the Northeastern and across the Mediterranean Sea gave rise to new European languages. Therefore, the spoken language of Roman Plebeians, that Vulgar Latin, interacting diachronically with the spoken language of Germanic tribes of Franks and Normans, gave rise to French language and culture. So, it is undeniable that people interacting affects or shapes language and culture.

Since the arrival of the Mayflower in 1620, America's culture has been receiving a great deal of cultural influence or acculturation, making this Western new society increasingly richer, mainly for being a multicultural conglomeration of people. This sort of acculturation or cultural interaction may be considered an inner social phenomenon as people from other culture and ethnics interact within the same territory regardless the huge land surface, though the Hispanic cultural influence, which is perceived in the “sunbelt” area including the big states of Florida, Texas and California, is much wider than that of the Northern area of the country where the European influence is broader despite the high number of people from Porto Rico and Republican Dominican living in the states of New England and in New York
With regard to cultural influence, I would say that a culture may be influenced from outside. I would like to add that this sort of cultural influence may take place as an outer social influence when other cultures affect a specific culture from the outside. Of course, this main culture may be highly influencing as it is the case of the United States, the culture of which influences other cultures of underdeveloped and developing countries.
Linguistically speaking, I already wrote above how cultural influence may occur. However, cultural influence may also occur consciously. Learning a foreign language like French, a person may help in cultural enrichment either individually or socially as s/he learns or acquires features of French culture and behavior if s/he studies French language well enough and is able to spend time visiting France or other French speaking-zones such as Belgium, in Europe, or the Canadian province of Quebec in North America.
Thus, it is very important to learn French as a foreign language, and to visit France. Not only s/he would be able to read great French poets and writers such as Honoré de Balsac, Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Emile Zola, Guy de Maupassant Marguerite Duras, and others. S/he would also be able to acquire French behavior in eating bread and cheese or drinking either red or white wine according to the kind of meal s/he is eating. Moreover, s/h would find him or herself loving fine perfume and being bound of fashion, while becoming more socially friendly and lovely.
You too, you should enrich your culture. When you have learned French language and culture, and you happen to visit France, or other French-speaking countries, you would certainly meet new people, and learn other people's behavior, norms, values and traditions, including their way of life and feelings.
In essence, the most important aspect in leaning French language and visiting France is the fact that we contribute to have a longer peace and understand better people's cultural interrelation and integration. Also, as residents of the United States of America, we can travel to underdeveloped and developing French-speaking countries in Africa where we can be able to understand and help more easily people in need.
In fact, speaking other people language, we can communicate without linguistic barriers; what would permit a much better communication and comprehension.
Having taught French language for years has allowed me to enrich other people culture and education. Still living and working in Cuba as French teacher, one of my best experiences took place when I taught French language to students of Technical Institutes and Public Schools as I was preparing them to visit Guadeloupe Island, a French territory in America. Those students were able to meet other people of other culture without language barriers as they could communicate in French language and interchanged culturally.
There are many ways to learn or improve French language. I would like to invite you to try to improve your French language using the method “Le Français par La Poésie et la Musique”:

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