Saturday, July 7, 2012

Freedom and Education


Freedom and Education

Freedom, something endowed by God, is part of human condition. It is the most important part of it as people need freedom to grow and proliferate unperturbedly.

Many years ago, people came to what is today America, the New World, seeking freedom, the mother of happiness, safety and growth. They were fleeing a land in Europe where they had been oppressed and deprived of religious creed.

As a matter of fact, when people are free, they enjoy of important and less important emancipations, prerogatives or privileges because, in a context of liberty, people are able to establish a sort of compact or social contract, a system of rules and norms, to maintain order and respect on other people's emancipations, prerogatives or privileges; what would guarantee other subsequent rights, such as those to elect their representatives to make sure their rights would not be violated, and their safety and properties would be protected.

Needless to say that under an atmosphere of freedom, people have not only the rights of credo (creed) and aquality, along with those of creating and running business through their own way for growing economically in an environment of free market and investment, but also the rights towards intruction and education for self-potential.

Unfortunetely, however, freedom can be taken away. Therefore, education is an important aspect of freedom that may prevent this latter from being disturbed or disrupted. Thus, education, if it is considered freedom's frame, should be an accessible right for all to guarantee freedom or human emancipation cognitively.

Angel R. Almagro

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