Saturday, June 29, 2013

A call made on September 11, 2001

A call made on September 11, 2001 apparently
from my house, in Massachusetts that hurt my life.

On October 2001, when I saw my Verizon telephone bill, I was horrified as among the sending calls there was one made from my house to Sao Tome & Prince on September 11, 2001 at 1.00 am.
Living in Massachusetts from which the planes that hit the World Trade Center in New York took off, being a Cuban political refugee, and knowing that Cuba was listed among the countries that, it was said, dealt with terrorist people and movements, I went to the FBI Agency in Boston. If I had not paid attention to that call and had not gone the FBI, today I would be in jail as I would not have been able to explain about that call!
Apparently, no investigation was performed on this issue; however, some times after I informed the FBI about the call, the treatment I received in Copley Plaza Hotel, where I was a house person, was horrible. Due to that treatment, I hurt my back and my right knee, and I scarcely had 40 hours weekly. I was obliged to receive Psychological therapy in Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public Health. Moreover, I could not continue to teach French language at Cambridge Center for Adult Education where I had a part time job as French Instructor.
In 2006, I went to Miami to attend my son’s wedding during my vacations. Two weeks later, when I was back to the Hotel, coworkers were surprised seeing me because I had been put out of the pay roll. They were convinced that I would not be back!
Any employer would have reluctantly as an employee a person under investigation on a sensitive case. This year, Dr. Michael A. Grodin advised me to join Cuban community in Miami due to my emotive symptoms.
I went to Miami in 2007 and began working full time as a parking lot attendant at Lanier Parking Solutions, and part time at Downtown Athletic Club. The revenue I was having was enough for my daily life and for saving as my main goal in Miami, along with recovering from emotive symptoms, was to attend graduate studies at Florida International University and I applied fora Florida Educator's temporary certificate to teach French and English (endorsement) in High School, K-12. Currently,I have the status of Eligibility to teach in High School.
I am Bachelor in French Linguistics and in ESOL
Since 2008, I have been trying to become Master in French language. So far, it has been impossible. Despite having come to Miami with more than 50 college academic credits and of 3.8 CPA, I had to go through two Graduate Admission Tests _GRE & TOEFL_ despite the fact that GRE test is not required for a Master in Education. Furthermore, while I paid $10.00 for an Official Transcript from Bunker Hill Community College, I had to pay $ 480.00 for an Official Transcript from Havana University.
I have had restrictions to attend graduate program in FIU and difficulties to have a vacancy to teach French in High School, but also to have financing help from Florida Work Force following a program set by Florida Department of Economic Opportunity to help unemployed individuals to find a job by reorientation through a short technical career. In addition, I had restrictions to finish my short Graphic Design technical career at The English Center of Miami despite the fact that I had Federal Financial Aid.
When a person having two Bachelor Degrees, having written several books in French language, one of them already published in Canada, and being able to communicate in English, French and English, lives under a severe poverty, it’s to be concerned about! My editor may thing how it is possible!
Something similar that frustrated my life happened years ago in Cuba. In i967, I worked as a guide-translator to a French photographer, Pierre Golendorf, for three months every day. We took breakfast, lunch and dinner together along with my French translating service to him. Months after, the event during which I worked with him ended, he was sent to a prison by a Cuban tribunal for being, according to a former Cuban counterintelligence agent, a CIA agent. From that time on, I could not improve my life!
It’s a coincidence with the event concerning the call made to Sao Tome & Prince on September 11, 2001 that has prevented me from improving my life_ for 12 years I have been unable to buy a car, neither a house! But some knows that “where there is intelligence there is no coincidence!”
Three weeks ago, as I am currently a Visual Arts student at Miami International University of Art and Design, I was performing photo experimentation using camera flash in my small apartment at Arena Square Building at night. Somebody might have thought I was doing something sensitively suspicious due to the flash light of my camera as I felt that “a task force operative” was set!
By these days my school’s flat drive where I had only photo assignments disappeared from my bookshelf by the door. One of these assignments consisted in taking pictures from the kitchen window where we see an old black guy wearing a black jacket, sited in a chair on the sidewalk by the shoes repair store, smoking and drinking can beers in a paper bags. Some days later, the guy, who used to sit there, did not come anymore. I was concerned! Two weeks later, he came back; but the shoemaker did not allow him to take any chair. The black old man was not wearing his black jacket anymore. I found my flash drive behind the refrigerator!
My apartment might be on camera surveillance, and through camera the light of the flash might seem like an explosive device.
This entire ordeal confirms how the call made on September 11, 2001 has affected my life, and my literary creation, making me be the poorest published American Poet of all times, as if I am American citizen, I am an American poet no matter my books are in French language.
Sadly, where I live now, I feel like being in a jail, mainly because I used to remain there several days without going out. Where I would go as a do not have a single extra dollar to buy a cup of coffee or a color pencil for my Visual Art career for which I was granted scholarship.
I live like in a cell. Nowadays, Intelligence Agencies, like the CIA, have cells abroad. What about Cuba. I was living in Over Town reluctantly. Shootings occur frequently.
Why I’m living there? Last June, living in 227 NE 2nd St. # 10, I found a pink used paper saying that Arena Square Building was offering low income apartment for rent. As I was already out of money, I rent the apartment. I never knew who threw the Arena Square promotion through the bottom of the door. It was someone who wants me to be there, in Over Town. I’m very concerned because my engaged fiancée, a French national, is visiting me next week for a week. Her house in France has a piscine. She would remain with me in Over Town, in poverty. The point is that she a French beautiful colored woman and I do not have money to pay a bodyguard!
Angel R. Almagro

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