French by Poetry and Music

This blog is set to promote my literary creation. Through it, I bring a message of philanthropy and altruism. La Fleur Rouge du Papillon is a blog for love, friendship, freedom and happiness. This is a didactic* blog within itself and beyond involving my learning French Method “Le Français par la Poésie et la Musique”. *Merriam-Webster Dictionary on Didactic: designed or intended to teach involving lecture and textbook instruction
Friday, September 20, 2013
Education against Halo Effect
United States is a democratic country whose government is elected in the ballot
by constituents, and where public agencies are merely set, not to guarantee its
staff’s prosperity, but to help people, ultimately constituents, avoiding bias
or hallo effect.
halo effect or halo error is a cognitive bias leading
to think that a person and what he or she can do is determined by who he or she
is; that the person or his or her origin determines behavior and personality.
effect is when thinking that all Muslins are terrorists; that all Cubans speak
lout; that all flowers have nice fragrance.
for all and race interaction is the best way to avoid bias or halo effect.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Ruego a la Virgen de los Cubanos (francés y español)
Sainte Marie
Toute si miséricorde
Pour nous viens et prie
De nous voir en concorde
Pour que se dissipe cette colère
Qui nous entrave d’aimer,
Là, où il n’y a qu’une terre
De nous tous le lieu sacré
Oh, Vierge Reine
Aide-nous, pécheurs
Pour que pousse la Fleur
Dans une terre sans haine
Marie, Toute Sainte
Mère de notre Très-Haut
Prie que périsse la crainte
Qui nous fait tous des rivaux
Santa Maria, Madre del Urgido
Ruega por los cubanos
lágrimas te lo pido
volver a ser hermanos
Amantísima de vientre divino
Donde llevaste al Señor
La puerta y el camino
Y semilla de amor
Purísima Santa Maria
Más que pecadores
Somos sufridos todavía
De la separación y los dolores
Protégenos con tu prodigioso manto
Que queremos ser felices
Y recobrar sin más llanto
Nuestras dignas raíces
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