Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Mason and the Camparter


When from their rough hands


Fair and worthy love arouses


A forest of cities stands


Plenty of sweet houses




Immensity of fresh aroma


Any moment is well felt


From Washington to Oklahoma


From where homelessness has left




From California to Maine


A garden of wooden homesteads


Adorns the sites, single or main


Where Christ's abodes are heads




From dawn to dusk, golden to violet


Like a troupe of hasty ants


As the hammer or scoop they did get


They enrich all the holy lands




But like a troupe of bees, rather


Without either queen or king


But like sons after a father


They build and they sing




Sprouts thus a commonwealth


Arisen from the public wishes


With castles of endless health


As a timely garden flourishes.

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Cuban Culture in Artist Design